The Ground of the Local Church

Additional Quotes about the Local Church by Witness Lee and Watchman Nee

Our recognizing of a church depends upon its ground, and this ground is composed of two things: the oneness of the Body and the locality in which the church exists. Concerning the ground of locality, the principle in the New Testament is “one city, one church.” In a particular city there should not be more than one church. The condition of a local church can change, and sometimes it does change; but the ground of a local church should remain unchanged permanently.

(Witness Lee, Eldership (2), 130)

On the positive side, the Lord also led Brother Nee to see the local church, that is, the practical aspect of the church. He expended much effort in stressing this point. Eventually, the point of his emphasis became very clear. He enabled us to see clearly the ground of the church and the reality of the church.

(Witness Lee, High Peak, 9)

The extract of the definition of the church ground is to keep the oneness of the Spirit inwardly and to take the differences outwardly, not allowing anything but the locality in which we live to separate us into local churches. Ephesians 4:3 says, “Being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace.” Keeping the oneness of the Spirit is inward, whereas the differences are outward. If one brother is a Sabbath keeper and another brother practices meeting on the Lord’s Day, the differences between them are outward. We have to keep the oneness of the Spirit inwardly, and we have to take the differences outwardly. This is the essence of the church ground.

(Witness Lee, Church Life, 40)

At the beginning of 1937, Brother Nee began to see not only the boundary of a local church but also the ground of a local church. Because of the confusion in Christianity, Brother Nee went back to the New Testament to research the truth concerning the practical expression of the church. According to his study and research of the New Testament, he found out that one city should have only one church. A local church is a church in a city. The ground of a local church is the ground of unity, which also may be called the ground of locality. If we are in Los Angeles, we should meet as the church in Los Angeles. If we are in San Diego, we should meet as the church in San Diego. This is not only scriptural but also logical.

(Witness Lee, History of the Church, 25)

Brother Nee saw the truth concerning the boundary of a local church in 1933 and 1934. In 1933 he was invited by the Brethren to visit them in England. They also took him to Canada and the United States. At that time he saw the confusion and the division among the Brethren assemblies. In one city there could be several Brethren assemblies. This troubled Brother Nee, so he spent one year to read and study the New Testament again to find out what the boundary of a local assembly, a local church, was. Eventually, he saw that the New Testament reveals clearly that the boundary of a local church is the boundary of the locality (city) in which the local church stands. In January of 1934, he gave four main messages on this truth, and these were published in the same year in a book entitled The Meeting Life. Brother Nee asked me to write the foreword for this book.

(Witness Lee, History of the Church, 49-50)

The Bible shows us that God has appointed the city as the unit of a church. The boundary of a local church is determined by the boundary of the city to which it belongs. This God-ordained way maintains the balance in the fellowship of the assemblies in the various places, and it avoids much trouble and confusion. We should not randomly choose from among the few assemblies around us and freely meet there. Rather, we should decide on the place to meet based on the locality in which we belong. If we are in one city, we should not meet with an assembly in another city. Even if the place of meeting in the other city is closer than the place of meeting in our own city, we should still meet in our own city, rather than the other city. If this is not our practice, the fellowship among all the assemblies will not be balanced, and confusion will result. God does not want us to have freedom of movement. Even in the matter of choosing where to meet, God does not allow us to have a fleshly preference and choice.

(Witness Lee, NT Economy, 5)


Introduction to the Ground of the Local Church


Definition of the Ground of the Local Church


Ground of the Local Church and Foundation of the Local Church


Importance to the Ground of the Local Church


Illustrations of the Ground of the Local Church






Introduction to the Ground of the Local Church | Definition of the Ground of the Local Church | Ground of the Local Church and Foundation of the Local Church | Importance to the Ground of the Local Church | Illustrations of the Ground of the Local Church | Bibliography | Links

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